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Streamline ediscovery and investigations with AI-powered legal tech

Unlock new levels of speed and productivity with DISCO’s end-to-end cloud solution and services.

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Law Better with DISCO

Transform your legal practice with our integrated tech suite, unlocking new levels of efficiency and cost savings.



Gain control and visibility from intake to resolution.
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A single, cloud-based platform to preserve data, notify custodians, and track holds with a defensible audit trail.
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Cloud-native ediscovery software that’s easy to use — and helps you achieve better legal outcomes.
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Managed review reinvented with expert teams, AI-powered workflows and an on-time, on-budget guarantee.
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Case Builder

Automate low-value work and spend more time on case strategy with our cloud-based deposition review platform.
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The Cecilia AI Platform

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Cecilia Q&A

AI fact expert

Interrogate your evidence — literally. Ask a question about your case, and get an answer supported by cited documents in your database.

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Cecilia Timelines

AI timeline creation

Upload a complaint or case document. Get an AI-generated timeline summarizing key facts in minutes.

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Cecilia Review

AI large-scale doc review

Automate your document review using generative AI. Simply provide tag descriptions in plain English and receive tagged documents with explanations for each decision.

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Screenshot of Timelines Feature
Cecilia Deposition Summaries

AI witness digests

Cecilia summarizes depositions – with citations, topic, and date – so you can easily understand testimony and navigate to key points.

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